
Welcome to the 2nd edition of Dustin Schroeder's Official Blog

Sunday, January 9, 2011

History Repeats Itself

     I wasn't really sure how to start this post, or even what to say exactly to make things interesting.  So I apoligize if this is kind of lame.  Remember that boi Jordan I was talking about two blogs ago?  Well things aren't going to be moving on.  I just live too far away from him; even though he only like like an hour and a half away.  With my history, I should've know this was gonna happen.  Let me tell you about our date we had; on the day before he told me it wouldn't work out.

     Thursday after school and during musical rehearsal Jordan came down to see me.  He sat in the auditorium and watched as we learned the rest of a dance to a song and learned the beginning of a new song to the musical Little Shop Of Horrors.  Everyone pretty much fell in love with him.  They all said he was extremely cute and really funny.  That of course, made me smile.  It was a really nice feeling.  After rehearsal we went to Bdubs to eat.  He did a lot of funny shit there.  He is definatly a major goofball.  I love it.  Then after dinner we went to the mall really quickly.  I bought a belt and bracelet.  After the mall we headed to the movies.  And well, I'll just leave that part out ;] 
     It was absolutely a really great night.  I wanted to ask him out so bad, but I was scared to.  I've never been scared to ask somone out before.  The next day, we weren't talking that much and I just had that feeling that something was up.  So when I saw him get online on facebook, I asked him how he felt after out date.  He said he had an amazing time and that he loved being with me and stuff (and here it comes), but he couldn't pursue things with someone who lives so far away.  He still wants to be friends though.  That's what they all say though isn't it?

     At that moment, I was just sick.  Sick of relationships, sick of trying to grow with someone and make things work, tired of things being so damn complicated, tired of getting my hopes up, and tired of all the dissapointment.  I know what you all are thinking.  It'll get better and you'll find someone.  Well, what the hell do I do until then?  I'm missing out on lot's of young memories I could be spending with someone, you know?

Here are a few pictures we took together.  We probably look our worst, but that doesn't matter.

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