
Welcome to the 2nd edition of Dustin Schroeder's Official Blog

Friday, March 8, 2013

Shine Bright Like A Diamond!

Tonight's blog is gonna be so freaking hot.  I do not think you can handle this!! 

Okay, woah, not that hot.  Get your mind outta the guter!

  You will never believe this!  I FINALLY got a laptop a few days ago!  Crazy, right?  Be looking forward to more posts.  Although, I love how I am talking on this blog like a huge group of people actually read this.  I do not think many people even know of this site.  This is mainly for my benefit of being able to look back on my life and laughing at the dumb shit I say.

  Earlier this evening I looked back at all the old posts I had published in my first blog, and wow is all I really have to say.  I am impressed by how mature I have grown and how much I have changed in such a small, but long, period of time.

  The only bad part about me having a laptop now is that I will probably spend a few more hours awake at night trying to post stuff periodically and trying to catch up.  As if college has not deprived me of sleep enough.

I do not really have that much time at this moment to tell you all about what has happened since college started, but I can give you a recap!

*Frida Kahlo:  A Portrait was a success
*Had two sort of relationships.  If you know me, you know how great my luck is with men
*Met some really cool people
*Still working at American Eagle
*19th birthday
*Spring classes
*A lead role in the spring play at Bellarmine

I think that about covers it.
And obviously I was kidding.  Nothing is as hot as Taylor Lautner

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