
Welcome to the 2nd edition of Dustin Schroeder's Official Blog

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Secluded Valentine

     Valentines Day, that one day out of the year were couples try and make their relationship to the next level, or make it more special to each other.  Sadly, I don' think I have celebrated one Valentines Day with anyone special.  I didn't even get anything this year.  No hugs, cards, gifts, or "I love you's," from friends.  Isn't that kinda sad?
     Oh well.  I have gotten use to that fact.  It just kind of bothered me that I was stood up, and the guy I was gonna go on a date with just randomly decided to get a boyfriend.  Hah, need I say more?  Exactly.

     I came across this picture of Brent Everett, and I must say, he is so fucking sexy.  Like, i seriously got a boner from this dude.  HOT DAYUHMM! 

That's all <3


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